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Balança 2.000kg Balança 3.000kg Balança 5.000kg
Our Products  |  Agribusiness Usage - Cattle Scale

Indicator in aluminium, with 3 poises, representing multiples of 1, 10 and 100 kilograms, enabling fast weighing.

Locker in the weighing arm, enabling a fast reading of weight.

Tare cursor located in the weighing arm, enables compensation for a change in the weight of platform.

  Reading Device
  Mechanical Structure

Completely in steel with special painting to avoid oxidization.

  Technical Specifications
  Bearings and Pivots
Cattle Scale
Chute built with hardwood beams, measuring 15x5cm in profile, painted to increase lifetime.

Platform built with hardwood beams, measuring 15x5cm in profile, painted to increase lifetime.

Knife-edge bearings completely in steel specially laminated and tempered for our scales.
Technical specifications that ensure the quality standards only found in Oswaldo Filizola scales:
Stabilized transmission system  
Bearings in special steel
Auto-aligning pivots
Tare mechanism
Dimensional standardization of parts
Capacity Platform No of Animals
2.000kg x 500g 3,00 x 1,25 m 1 to 2
3.000kg x 1kg 3,00 x 2,50 m up to 5
5.000kg x 1kg 4,00 x 2,50 m up to 7
8.000kg x 1kg 6,00 x 2,50 m up to 12
10.000kg x 1kg 8,00 x 2,50 m up to 16

Height of platform floor to top of chute = 2.5m

Agribusiness Usage
Cattle Scales
Equine Scale
        Digital Portable          Cattle Scale
Cattle Chutes
Equine Chutes
CattleView Software